Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Acharya
I started my career with a major Japanese trading firm. I was doing fairly well for nearly 20 years and was nominated as a CEO of one of subsidiary companies in my early forties. However, it did not take me long time to realize the meaning of ‘Ye cannot serve God and mammon’ because I soon suffered from autonomic imbalance.
I searched for a more realistic career for myself within the same company and obtained professional certifications in Internal Audit and as a computer auditor. In mid-fifties. I received the first initiation in Babaji’s Kriya Yoga in 2010, and the second and the third initiations in 2011. I also received the teacher training course in 2012 in Quebec and started teaching Kriya Hatha yoga classes in Tokyo in 2013. After my retirement from the trading company in 2014, I considered farming while practicing yoga.
But in order to help as many people as possible and to make the rest of my life an offering to Babaji, I accepted M. G. Satchidananda’s invitation to fulfill the requirements to become an Acharya of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga. In recent years, I was also one of the main members of a team which translated the book The Voice of Babaji into Japanese. I am married and have two daughters. I am a graduate of Tokyo University.